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Demonstration against Software Patents in Luxembourg

On 14th of May we will do a demonstration against software patents in front of the Ministère de l'Économie (Boulevard Royal)

The demo will be in the form of a big banner crossing two tables and at least two people present all the time to explain the problem and to distribute fliers and stickers.

Demo Start at 7h00 and Stop at 19h00


  • more people to help
  • 2 tables PierreFonck will provide some small tables.
  • 1 big banner that would cross the 2 tables (AlainKnaff: how many tables do we really need? The ones that we can get from the LGL are rather small (1m x 1m), so me might need more than 2?)
  • 2 chairs or more (4 or 5 would be better) AlainKnaff can bring 1.
  • 200 Fliers
  • 200 Stickers
  • SergeMarelli: T-shirts with No e-Patents either black or orange version (new T-shirts have been ordered)

ThierryCoutelier has 2 of the new T-shirts (one for me and one of size large). AlainKnaff has 1 new and one old (black) (one for me, and the other of size XL as well).


  • Request authorisation from police (ThierryCoutelier: Done we need to confirm with a LetterDemoMayVDL, will be send out this evening : PascalSteichen ;))
  • Create a FlyerMayLuxembourg (urgent as we will need to duplicate them)
  • Write a PressReleaseMayLuxembourg (urgent too) -> Text OK for me (ThierryCoutelier, PascalSteichen)
  • Prepare the Banner: Proposed Text: Non aux Brevets Logiciels / Le pouvoir au parlement
  • Order some more of the new T-shirts (10 to 20) (SergeMarelli: some have been ordered, delivery may take up to 2 weeks, if we want some earlier, best is to pick them up in LLN)
  • Try to find more Stickers (ask Bxl list)
  • PascalSteichen : I have 2-3 big webshop posters left from the bxl demo ;), may be even som stickers ? Further I have one black and one yellow t-shirt, so one is free !

People that may come at least partially: