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Revision as of 17:30, 18 March 2023 by AlainKnaff (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Participants == * Thierry Coutelier * Anja Coutelier * Pierre Fonck * Brent Frère * Kadi Touré * Alain Knaff * Gilles Maria-Sube * Jean-Paul Piazolla * Alain Louge == A...")
- Thierry Coutelier
- Anja Coutelier
- Pierre Fonck
- Brent Frère
- Kadi Touré
- Alain Knaff
- Gilles Maria-Sube
- Jean-Paul Piazolla
- Alain Louge
Activity in 2022 and beginning of 2023
Social Events
- Summer Fest (barbecue)
- Christmas dinner
- Monthly Video conferences about various subjects: so far btrfs and quantum computation
- We registered our association at the commune of Contern, and will have a room at our disposal for events (but not storage of material / no exclusive use)
- Brent answers phone requests by members and prospective members
- Mtools and udpcast releases. Repairing of mtools port to UnixPC legacy platform.
Rapport de caisse
Entries of funds
- Membership dues: 495€
- Gifts: 110€
- Total: 605€
- Bank fees: 101.40€
- Meals: 1215.65€
- LBR (business register) fees: 122.06€
- DNS domains: 81.01€
- Total: 1520.12€
=== Opening and closing balances
- Opening cash box: 252.25€
- Closing cash box: 252.25€
- Opening CCP: 3684.40€
- Closing CCP: 2769.28€
Exercize result was a loss of 915.12€
"Décharge" has been granted to treasurer and to the other board members.
Election of new board
Gilles Maria Sube has resigned as treasurer, but will stay member of the board.
Our board is thus composed as follows:
- Thierry Coutelier, president
- Brent Frère, vice-president
- Kadi Touré, treasurer (elected with 5 yes, 3 no, and 2 blank)
- Alain Knaff, secretary
- Gilles Maria-Sube, board member
Membership due
Membership due will stay at 20€
Misc stuff
- We decided that association still pays drink and meals, but that before meals, members are encouraged to make a small gift (don) to the association. 2 people already gave 110€ together.
- We will switch over CCP to a 2€/month plan, rather than the 5€/month plan that we have now, and switch to electronic extraits rather than paper (another 39.00€ saving)
- Ideas for classes
- Linux Basic
- Security
- Pierre has 9 notebooks available which we might use for these classes
- For our LLL meetings, in the future it might be interesting to re-broadcast our jitsi via streaming platforms to make it easier on the server if ever there are really many participants., Jamie, Youtube
- We concluded the evening around a nice meal