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Membership Management

Kick off Meeting

Wednesday 27/01/2010

Points discussed:

* Separate members for each club (a club should not know if a user is in a different club)
* Use a pseudo will be used as key for the user.
* API to member list to include other tools like libraries ...
* Integration with mediawiki/joomla ...

Task List



an organisation who will use the application: LiLux, HackerSpace, Scouts, …


a member is a person listed in the membership software


a group is an combination of diffrent members from the membership software a group can be made of a parent-group and/or can be in a child-group

parent-group --- group --- child-group --- child2-group


an activity can be e meeting / camp / .... The activity is created by an operator but the registered members can subscribe to the activity by answering a mail or completing a web form


what do we have as software?

  • a php script

what are the functions in the software?

what is the need for the new software?

which are the functions needed?

  • list printing of groups / activities / ...
  • printing of membership cards
  • use mail adresses in mailman
  • unlimited creation for groups / activities


general requirements

  • manage membership easily
  • assign members to a group / to a activity

Requirements from Hackerspace

Requirements from LiLux

By Iteration

Iteration 0

Code cleanup / preparation:

  • make it run with error reporting on => DONE
 error_reporting (E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE);
  • put as many items as possible into functions and/or objects
  • set it up as SSL => DONE
  • back link from editing one payment directly to edit another payment

Iteration 1

Usability improvements for admin

  • In "View entries of user DB", provide a checkbox to each entry for easy "mass actions", and a check-all button. The following mass actions will be available:
    • "delete" (with confirmation)
    • "membership card sent"
    • "paid this year"
    • "CSV list of checked users"
    • "Latex mailing include of checked users" (template, see below)
  • In the view for individual user
    • provide "Delete this user" button (with confirmation) => DONE
    • provide "Paid membership card for this year" button (with some indication whether already set)
    • provide "Membership card sent for this year" button (with some indication whether already set)
  • In "Edit payments" provide the option to edit and delete existing payments (for instance, if a typo was made in year)
  • Some new views. These views should have same mass actions as "View all entries view" described above
    • "all users who have paid this year, and whose membership card was not yet sent". => DONE
    • "all users who have paid this year or last year" => DONE
    • "all users who don't have a post address"
    • "all users who never paid"
  • The implementation of the views should be modular, so that it easy enough to add some more (function that takes a title and

parts of select statement that choses the users to be displayed).

  • Remove "Modify entries", "Edit payments" and "Download CSV list": indeed, these functions are now more easily accessible from the views.
  • Sort order of views can be changed (by clicking on the relevant column header)
  • Add male/female column (useful for proper "Anrede" in mailings) => DONE

Example of Latex mailing template:

 \adrentry{Paul}{Muller}{42, rue de la vallée \\ L-4242 Hannerkléngwäinhäffen}{M}{}
 \adrentry{Marie}{Gelatine}{19, rue de la forge \\ L-1234 Knapphouschent}{F}{1}

Iteration 2

Access by the user himself to his records

  • User can request a password to be sent to him to his e-mail address
    • This can be sent right at registration
    • At a later time, user may request password by pseudo or by e-mail
  • User can use this password to view his own record
  • User can change his password
  • New views (for admin):
    • users with un-confirmed email
    • users with confirmed email
  • New fields:
    • Exact date when payment (and extrait number) was received
  • Date of payment visible to member himself, extrait number should only be visible for admin
  • Support for more than one payment per year
  • Management of "in kind" contribution (such as, helping at an event)

Note: Extrait number is useful to more easily help confirm at a later date that we didn't do a mistake.

Iteration 3

LDAP integration

  • New users should automatically be created in LDAP
  • Admin can "confirm" users, and grant them certain privileges
    • local Unix account
    • mail
    • ...
  • Unconfirmed users should not be able to log in, and should not have any other rights on the system.
  • New view:
    • Unconfirmed users
    • Confirmed users

Note: confirmation by the admin is something different than confirmation of the e-mail address (which just proves that user can receive e-mail at that address)

Iteration 4

More usability:

  • Admin may define new views in GUI (by supplying a title, and part of an SQL statement that selects the wanted users)
  • Persistent user sets (after having ticked a number of user, admin may save this as a set for use on a later date)
  • Admin may define new output formats (in addition to CSV and Latex mailing list)
  • More than one admin
  • Admin with read-only (or otherwise restricted) rights
  • In case of multiple admins, each admin may chose whether additional views and output formats only apply to him or to all admins as well.

Iteration 5

Multiple clubs:

  • Admin of a club may only view his own members
  • There is a super admin who sees all clubs/defines new clubs.
  • For views and output formats, there are now 3 levels of scope:
    • all admins of all clubs
    • admins of same club
    • only that admin himself

Note: If need arises, we may put this iteration somewhat earlier in the schedule.

Existing software/tools



related sites



  • user data, can be standard schema + whatever we may additionally need
  • would facilitate SSO functionalities, incl. integration with misc tools such as CMS, Wiki, shell access, ...
  • not complicated to set up and get running
  • tutorial available for instance from LinuxDays 2003, server tutorial
  • LDAP can be frontend to SQL database